Dr Shirin Lakhani - Charles Worthington





Dr. Shirin Lakhani is a GP, aesthetic physician and an award-winning cosmetic doctor with a significant voice of authority within the women’s health space.

A proud brand ambassador for Charles Worthington, Dr. Shirin is an advocate for championing menopause rights for women and is passionate about the field of aesthetics.


“Every woman’s menopause journey is uniquely different. While some may experience similar symptoms, the journey is entirely individual. In my clinic, one of the symptoms often discussed is not feeling like yourself due to hair loss or hair thinning and lack of fullness which results in overall lack of self-esteem and confidence.

Charles Worthington’s new MenoPlex range is entirely dedicated to supporting women as they go through this monumental change in life. From the key active ingredients to the new fragrance technology, the brand has listened to its audience and addressed what they need to feel like themselves once more.”

– Dr. Shirin Lakhani


What happens to our hair during the peri/menopause?

“During menopause, the ovaries stop producing eggs and the levels of the sex hormones, oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone fall. These hormones have multi-system effects and their deficiency leads to a vast range of symptoms.

“Its effects on overall hair health include hair thinning and hair loss. It is all about hormone changes and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main hormone responsible. After menopause, oestrogen no longer counters testosterone and DHT can cause a change in the hair follicles on the scalp, becoming smaller in diameter, shorter in length and lighter in colour until they stop producing hair altogether.”


How do the changes in our hormones impact hair and scalp health?

“At a time when they’re already experiencing tremendous changes physically and mentally, the impact of hair loss should not be underestimated. Symptoms of menopausal hair include a change in texture with an increase in dryness and frizz as when oestrogen levels decline, the production of natural oils in the scalp decreases, which can leave hair feeling dry. 

“Women may experience a loss of volume as well as a widening of the parting. Women may notice their hair is not growing as it used to and there is a recession at the temples and a reduction in the thickness and length of each strand.

“Itchy skin is also recognised as one of the more wider menopause symptoms and can be due to a decrease in collagen and oil production which can cause dryness and itching.”


How can women who have suffered hair loss look to increase hair density?

“I have found the Charles Worthington MenoPlex range to be particularly effective for those suffering with menopausal hair changes. The Volumising Shampoo really helps with hair density. It left my hair feeling soft and hydrated, which is a must for dry menopausal hair.”


How does the Charles Worthington MenoPlex range counteract the effects of menopause?

 “The range is brilliant to help hydrate the hair, which is important as menopause is known for drying out the skin and scalp. 

“Hyaluronic acid helps to deeply hydrate and nourish the hair while added vitamin D helps to improve the skin barrier function, while thickening polymers add volume and helps increase density.”


What is the benefit of hair serum when suffering from hair loss?

 “This adds another level of aid to hair health. Hair serum acts as a protective barrier and helps protect hair from future damage. The Charles Worthington Menoplex Healthy Scalp Serum is really lightweight and helps to reduce hair fall as well as treating the scalp.”


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